Essential Program Training Returns to Lakeshore Technical College Campus
Essential program courses have resumed at Lakeshore Technical College’s Cleveland campus as allowed under the Safer at Home Order.
First responder training academies have been taking place since April 23. “With the increasing need for additional emergency responders during this pandemic, we are optimistic about getting students who are close to graduating back on campus to complete their face-to-face training,” said LTC Dean of Public Safety and Energy Ryan Skabroud, who also serves as commander of the college’s Incident Management Team.
“Our criminal justice and emergency medical technician (EMT) students are always in high demand. Some already had conditional employment offers or were affiliated with essential providers before COVID-19 hit, so the ability to complete their training on schedule is critical,” Skabroud added.
Also in demand are acute healthcare workers. According to Dr. Christopher Schatz, dean of LTC’s health and human services, “Local healthcare providers in need of our students are expediting hiring processes on their end so they can get our students hired as quickly as we can graduate them.”
Schatz said nursing students were far enough into their program before the pandemic hit, so are able to finish their courses online, and graduate on time. Medical assistant students returned to campus April 27. Schatz anticipates them completing their required clinicals in area health care settings in early June, which would allow them to graduate and enter the workforce at that point.
The mechatronics apprenticeship, CNC technician/machine tool, and electro-mechanical program students returned to campus this week. Welding students will return the week of May 11. Face-to-face training in programs related to critical infrastructure and food manufacturing can also resume on campus.
According to Skabroud, the college has implemented multiple measures to ensure the safety of all those on campus. Strict adherence to physical distancing, use of personal protective equipment, and stringent cleaning and hygiene procedures are all in place in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Wisconsin Department of Health Services protocols. All essential courses being run are limited to no more than eight students and one instructor in a single room.
Examples provided by Skabroud include:
- all individuals are required to wear a mask, which will be provided for anyone not having one
- employees must take their temperature and ensure it is 99.8 degrees Fahrenheit or below prior to coming to campus
- students have their temperatures taken each time they arrive on campus
- the college’s contracted cleaning vendor has assured LTC of its enhanced cleaning protocols
- ample supplies of soap, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes are available
- students required to train in small groups are being partnered with the same individuals to minimize exposure to others
- entrance doors and restrooms are designated for those entering buildings to minimize the number of surfaces touched
- water fountains and unnecessary seating arrangements are not available
- food service remains closed

About Lakeshore Technical College
Each year more than 10,000 people enroll in courses at Lakeshore Technical College. They rely on LTC for job preparation, to earn a degree, upgrade a specialized skill, train as an apprentice, or seek a high school equivalency. LTC faculty and staff meet students where they are in life and help them get one step closer to achieving their goals.
LTC is a nationally recognized technical college. The college was ranked the #2 two-year college in the nation for adult learners by Washington Monthly, the #17 trade school in the nation by Forbes, #11 in the nation for two-year college educational outcomes by, a top-150 two-year college for the fifth consecutive time by the Aspen Institute, and a top 10 Bellwether Award finalist.
Approximately 800 students graduate from LTC each year, and LTC’s associate degree graduates earn a median salary of $47,800* per year. In addition to the Cleveland campus, LTC serves students in Manitowoc and Sheboygan, and offers classes at additional sites throughout the district. Visit LTC at
*Source: 2019 LTC Graduate Outcomes report, 795 graduates contacted to complete the survey; 508 graduates or 64% completed the survey.